
Kenya IUI procedure step by step - surrogate mother Kenya

Q.DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS IUI? IUI stands for intrauterine insemination. IUI procedure is the process of insertion of sperms directly into women's uterus during ovulation. It is the most widely used fertility treatment. The main motto of IUI is to increase numbers of sperms by reaching fallopian tubes. Similar to IVF, IUI is also one of the components which gives the opportunity to become a mother. In IVF the procedure is followed outside the human body. IUI can be done to bestow patient with the time that they require before operating on to IVF while providing a respectable chance of pregnancy. The number of cycles that should be advised before moving on to IVF has been a matter of debate as the progressive pregnancy rate increases with the number of IUI procedure attempted. most of the studies included all the manifestations of IUI like clement •    malefactor •    endometriosis •    anovulation, and •    cervical factors.   IUI Procedure IUI is also considered

Surrogacy Clinic in Kenya – A clinic of happiness and new hope

Surrogacy Clinic in Kenya is the best and most demanded clinic in Kenya which offers the best fertility treatment to all those couples who wish to have their own baby but due to the cause of infertility, they are not able to make their dream fulfilled. For all those couples the Surrogacy Center in Kenya is the new hope towards their journey of happiness. The fertility experts along with other professionals at Surrogacy Center in Kenya will first properly examine the couple for the exact cause which is stopping them to get pregnant and then they will suggest the best surrogacy procedure which will fulfil their dream of having an own baby. Surrogacy Clinic in Kenya The aim of the fertility experts at Surrogacy Clinic in Kenya is to create a life through surrogacy procedures and will give reason to couple to smile and enjoy their parenthood with their own baby. They also support all the patients whosoever visit Surrogacy Clinic in Kenya by offering them the comfortable and

Best Surrogacy Clinic in Kenya surrogatemotherkenya

The success rate of the Surrogacy Centre in Kenya by performing the gestational surrogacy procedure is around 75 to 85% and by traditional surrogacy is around 55 to 65% which is quite high as compared to the success rates of other countries. more info:- #surrogacyprocessinkenya #surrogacyprocedureinkenya #surrogacyclinicinkenya #surrogacycenterinkenya #surrogacyhospitalinkenya #surrogacycostinkenya #surrogacychargesinkenya #surrogacylawinkenya #surrogatemotherkenya #surrogatesinkenya #surrogacyinkenya

Surrogacy Clinic in Kenya – A clinic which is one stop destination for all infertility issues

Surrogacy Clinic in Kenya is leading clinic in Kenya which is best known as the “One-stop Destination for all infertility issues”. This clinic helps all those couples who wish to have their own baby but not able to carry the pregnancy in their womb due to some medical illness and they need more assistance to have their own baby. For these couples, the Surrogacy Centre in Kenya offers the surrogacy procedure which is of two types (i) Gestational and (ii) Traditional. Surrogacy Clinic In Kenya (i)    Gestational surrogacy is the procedure which is offered by the fertility experts at Surrogacy Hospital in Kenya where they collect the eggs from the women ovaries and fertilize them with the sperm of the recipient husband to facilitate fertilization using the procedure called IVF. Once the fertilization procedure is completed the resulted embryo will be transferred into the uterus of the surrogate mother and she will carry the pregnancy in her womb for 9 months until the baby b

Is there any Surrogacy Law in Kenya?

There is no Surrogacy Law in Kenya which regulates the surrogacy arrangements because the government of Kenya understands that the surrogacy is a simple fertility treatment which fulfills the emptiness in the life of the childless couples and hence, there is no Surrogacy Law in Kenya is applicable and also they state that the children born out with the surrogacy procedure have a full proof legal framework in Kenya. What is the Surrogacy Policy in Kenya ? As such there is no Surrogacy Policy in Kenya , however, this is a country where couple of same sex or different sex can have their own baby and to run the process smooth you both need to sign a mutual Surrogacy Policy in Kenya which states that the surrogate mother will carry your baby in her womb until the baby birth and you will bear her all expenses related to the surrogacy procedure, also you will pay her the amount in monthly installments so that she can take her proper care, diet, and medications on time. The balance le

How does the Surrogacy Process in Kenya works?

The Surrogacy Process in Kenya is of two types which are (i) Gestational Surrogacy and (ii) Traditional Surrogacy (i)    Gestational surrogacy is the Surrogacy Process in Kenya where your fertility expert will collect your eggs from your ovaries and fertilize them with the sperm of your husband and once the fertilization occurs your skilled embryologist will place the best-chosen embryo into the uterus of gestational surrogate mother and she will carry your baby in her womb for 9 months until the baby birth. This is a safe and most demanded procedure because in this procedure the surrogate has no genetic tie-up with the baby born and hence you will have your own genetic baby. (ii)    Traditional surrogacy is a Surrogacy Process in Kenya where your fertility expert will artificially inseminate the eggs of the surrogate mother or egg donor and fertilize them with the sperm of your husband or sperm donor. Once the fertilization occurs your embryologist will place the best-chosen

Surrogacy in Kenya – The best fertility treatment which turns the dream into reality for childless couples

Surrogacy in Kenya is the best fertility treatment for those couples who wish to have an own baby, however, due to some medical issues the women are not able to carry the pregnancy in her own womb and they need assistance from someone who will carry their baby and will hand-over to them after the baby birth. These women who carry the baby for another woman called the surrogate mothers who are doing a great job by helping the infertile couples and creating their families. Surrogacy Centre in Delhi Surrogacy in Kenya is of two types (i) Gestational surrogacy and (ii) Traditional surrogacy (i)    Gestational Surrogacy in Kenya is the procedure in which the fertility expert will fertilize the eggs and the sperm of the intended parents by using the procedure called IVF and will place the resulted embryo onto the uterus of surrogate mother who willingly will carry the pregnancy in her womb for 9 months and hand-over the baby to his/her intended parents after the baby birth